Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year !

I look forward to 2013. I have several passive window box designs and prototypes in the works.

I am reducing the current 4 solar fans down to two more powerful units.

Stay Tuned


Monday, December 24, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Solar Passive Window Box Heater Design change

I have been using a 4 solar fans to push the warm air back into the room.

I now think, using two solar fans will do the same job.

I currently have 4 opening, which may decrease the heat build up.
Redcing the top four openings to 2- could get my inside box heat to higher then the current 96f.

I plan to incorporate these changes over the weekend


Design Change to the Passive Solar Window Box Heater

I have been using a 4 solar fans to push the warm air back into the room.

I now think, using two solar fans will do the same job.

I currently have 4 openings, which may decrease the heat build up.
Reducing the top four openings to 2, could get my inside box heat to higher then the current 96f.

I plan to incorporate these changes over the weekend


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Indoor Solar Passive Heating Window Boxes

Imagine if every NJ and NY home had a few of the indoor solar passive window box heaters, how much warmer they would be!!!!!


Passive Solar Heaters - Alternative Fuel Source

Indoor Solar Passive Window Box Heaters- The Future is Now

Imagine if the residents in NY or NJ had several of these units in each home, how much warmer they would be

Allsun Solar Products

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Future is Now "Indoor Passive Solar Window Box Heaters"

The Future is Now  "Indoor Passive Solar Window Box Heaters"

These lightweight - portable solar passive heating boxes and can create and push out temperatures of 96 °F into any room. The unit is designed to pull cool air fom the bottom of the unit.
The cool is pulled upward and over the heated aluminum cans - metal interior,  and hot air is returned into the room by small solar fans through the top vents.

The days of large - costly - huge outdoor collectors are gone.

We need portable lightweight - efficient units that mount on the inside.
The unit is 32" Tall - 20" Wide - 4 " Depth.
It costs less than $60.00 to manufacturer each unit, and uses 4 small solar fans.

These units sit flush on the inside window sill or bay window.
The manufacturing process for these units is streamlined and repeatable.

Any comments or suggestions?
Please compare  Outdoor solar collectors vs Indoor Passive Solar Window Boxes.
Outdoor collectors or heater boxes are 6 feet in length. They consume an entire window.
Not to mention the eyesore appearance they give any yard or home.

We need alternative solar heating, this is one way to reduce your monthly heating bills!
I live in the Northeast - these are the perfect winter heating units!!!!!

I am using aluminum 12 oz cans painted flat black to generate the heat.
I have tried many different metals, and various types of tubing etc.
The aluminum cans heat up the fastest in direct and partial sun.
The cans are chimney stacked for quick heat rise.

I am seeking feedback on the materials and the various stacking designs.

"Active solar heating uses devices such as pumps, fans and controls to move warmth around. Passive solar heating, on the other hand, collects and distributes heat without any mechanical or electrical devices."
"The internal fans are Solar, its still considered a passive solar window box heating unit"

* Passive solar heating systems need five components, according to the U.S. Department of Energy: a collector, absorber, thermal mass, distribution and control

AllSun Solar Products

Massachusetts Clean Energy Center

U.S Department of Energy:

American Solar Energy Solar Society

Database of State Incentitives for Renewables & Efficiency