Sunday, September 6, 2015

Solar Infra Systems - Solar Air Heater Reviews!

 from Canada
" Actually the solar heat is not already in your house until the sun, around noon, is able to directly shine into the room. Then it mainly heats up the floor and the heat rises to the ceiling and stays there. This solar air heater is like an electric room heater, except it heats and circulates room air with solar energy and not electricity. Most household heaters, including your recirculating air furnace only heat the air in the house. (Unless you have a heat vent recovery unit). Like a room electric heater, you simply “plug it in” by hanging it the window. It recovers the room heat lost through the walls and windows and prevents the room thermostat from coming on and turning on the main house heating system. If you have a cottage with no electricity, this heater is perfect for off season mildew prevention. In some regions electricity is already up to 12 cents per kilowatt and in some areas, propane is nearly $4.00 per gallon. What heater can you buy that pays for itself in a couple of years? Just make sure you get the right one for single pane and standard double pane windows. "
By Sherry
from Minneapolis, Minnesota

This works great, very effecient! FOR SINGLE PANE WINDOWS ONLY! Very low output on my double/insulated windows.
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